Articles tagged pgday

Psycopg at PGDay Italy 2010

Posted by Daniele Varrazzo on 2010-11-12
Tagged as news, pgday

PGDay Roma, 10 Dicembre 2010

Psycopg will be at PGDay Italy in Rome, on December 10th.


Psycopg at PgDay Europe

Posted by Daniele Varrazzo on 2010-10-26
Tagged as pgday, news


I will be at PgDay Europe 2010 in Stuttgart with a talk about Psycopg: Advanced PostgreSQL Access from Python with Psycopg.

The talk will be about some of the most advanced functionalities and new features available in the latest Psycopg releases: asynchronous communication, notifications, server-side cursors, advanced data mapping between Python and PostgreSQL, the upcoming support for two-phase commit and hstore objects.

If you have any suggestion about what you'd like to be shown in the talk, you may leave a feedback.

See you in Stuttgart!
