psycopg_pool release notes#

Current release#

psycopg_pool 3.2.6#

  • Reset transaction status of connection failing check (ticket #1014).

psycopg_pool 3.2.5#

  • Fix spurious warning logging on pool shrinking (ticket #1001).

psycopg_pool 3.2.4#

  • Add a hint to the warning printed if threads fail to stop during __del__, which has been reported happening during interpreter shutdown on Python 3.13 (see ticket #954).

psycopg_pool 3.2.3#

  • Add metadata to declare compatibility with Python 3.13.

psycopg_pool 3.2.2#

  • Raise a RuntimeWarning instead of a DeprecationWarning if an async pool is open in the constructor.

  • Fix connections possibly left in the pool after closing (ticket #784).

  • Use an empty query instead of SELECT 1 to check connections (ticket #790).

psycopg_pool 3.2.1#

  • Respect the timeout parameter on connection() when check fails. Also avoid a busy-loop of checking; separate check attempts using an exponential backoff (ticket #709).

  • Use typing.Self as a more correct return value annotation of context managers and other self-returning methods (see ticket 708).

psycopg_pool 3.2.0#

  • Add support for async reconnect_failed callbacks in AsyncConnectionPool (ticket #520).

  • Add check parameter to the pool constructor and check_connection() method. (ticket #656).

  • Make connection pool classes generic on the connection type (ticket #559).

  • Raise a warning if sync pools rely an implicit open=True and the pool context is not used. In the future the default will become False (ticket #659).

  • Raise a warning if async pools are opened in the constructor. In the future it will become an error. (ticket #659).

psycopg_pool 3.1.9#

  • Fix the return type annotation of NullConnectionPool.__enter__() (ticket #540).

psycopg_pool 3.1.8#

  • Enforce connections’ max_lifetime on check() (ticket #482).

psycopg_pool 3.1.7#

  • Fix handling of tasks cancelled while waiting in async pool queue (ticket #503).

psycopg_pool 3.1.6#

  • Declare all parameters in pools constructors, instead of using **kwargs (ticket #493).

psycopg_pool 3.1.5#

  • Make sure that ConnectionPool.check() refills an empty pool (ticket #438).

  • Avoid error in Pyright caused by aliasing TypeAlias (ticket #439).

psycopg_pool 3.1.4#

  • Fix async pool exhausting connections, happening if the pool is created before the event loop is started (ticket #219).

psycopg_pool 3.1.3#

  • Add support for Python 3.11 (ticket #305).

psycopg_pool 3.1.2#

  • Fix possible failure to reconnect after losing connection from the server (ticket #370).

psycopg_pool 3.1.1#

  • Fix race condition on pool creation which might result in the pool not filling (ticket #230).

psycopg_pool 3.1.0#

psycopg_pool 3.0.3#

psycopg_pool 3.0.2#

  • Remove dependency on the internal psycopg._compat module.

psycopg_pool 3.0.1#

  • Don’t leave connections idle in transaction after calling check() (ticket #144).

psycopg_pool 3.0#

  • First release on PyPI.